Jungle Kitchen

Discover the power of the sacred plants for your personal growth

Transformative spiritual retreats

Experience deep connection with your interior in exclusive retreats

Experiences of introspection and personal growth

Immerse yourself in the transformative experience of sacred entheogens.

Deep spiritual exploration
Connection with your being

Our Commitment to Spiritual and Personal Development

At Jungle Kitchen, we are dedicated to promoting the conscious and respectful use of entheogens as tools for spiritual and personal growth. We firmly believe in the transformative power of these sacred plants and compounds, and we are here to guide you on your journey towards introspection and deep connection with your inner being.

The Kitchen

Transformative Experiences with Entheogens

At Jungle Kitchen our objective is to expand knowledge in the use of those substances that can be found in nature, whether in its flora or fauna, and are helpful to people on their path towards self-development and discovery.

Entheogens have been used by indigenous peoples around the world for millennia. In some countries, there are laws that allow the traditional use of these compounds. However, in the mid-20th century, following the discovery of LSD by Albert Hofmann and the development of psychedelic therapy, the term "entheogen" (coined in 1979) was expanded to also include artificial drugs, some alternative medicines, as well as treatments and spiritual practices. This occurred regardless of whether the experiences were religious or consolidated traditional in nature.

Examples of traditional entheogens include psychedelics such as psilocybin mushrooms, iboga, peyote, and ayahuasca; atypical hallucinogens such as Amanita muscaria or Salvia Divinorum; quasi-psychedelics like cannabis; and others that induce delirium, such as the dangerous datura (Datura stramonium).

We organize initiatory ayahuasca retreats in Spain, France and the Scandinavian countries. These retreats are dynamic, effective and integrative, and are designed to provide a transformative and meaningful experience.

Our ceremonies are designed to create a strong community bond between participants, facilitating shared skills and experiences that enrich the process of healing and self-knowledge. We believe in the power of community as a fundamental pillar on the path to personal transformation.

The principles that guide all our activities and ceremonies are:

Medicine: Conscious and respectful use of sacred medicinal plants.

Security: Creating a safe and secure environment for all participants.

Professionalism: Experienced and highly trained facilitators.

Service: Focus on the well-being and needs of participants.

Community: Fostering connection and mutual support among participants.

Integrity: Honesty and transparency in all our actions.

Heart: Always act with compassion and empathy.

We continually strive to make each experience at our retreats meaningful and lasting. We place an emphasis on practical understanding and achieving results that have a positive long-term impact.

Since our inception, Jungle Kitchen's mission has been to promote and share life-changing experiences through ceremonies with ayahuasca and other medicinal plants. We provide a supportive, safe and professional environment that facilitates personal growth and deep healing. We are dedicated to accompanying you on your inner journey, providing the tools and space necessary so that you can reach a new level of well-being and self-knowledge.

If you are looking for a transformative experience that helps you reconnect with your essence and heal at a deep level, we invite you to join our Jungle Kitchen retreats. Discover the power of entheogens in a safe, communal environment, and allow the wisdom of these sacred plants to guide you on your path to a fuller, more conscious life.

woman wearing yellow long-sleeved dress under white clouds and blue sky during daytime

Increíble experiencia, me siento renovado y conectado con mi ser interior. Recomiendo totalmente Jungle Kitchen.

María Fernanda

Los retiros con ayahuasca fueron reveladores, me ayudaron a sanar y crecer espiritualmente. Gracias Jungle Kitchen.

Juan Carlos


It´s been a life changing experience helped me to defeat my addictions and start from scratch. Thanks a lot David



At first I wasn´t too convinced about taking part in an ayahuasca retreat. David explained me thoroughly what I could expect and what the experience is about and I felt more at ease...now I can tell he knew what he was talking about
