What are Entheogens?

Entheogens are natural substances that have been used for millennia in various cultures around the world for their visionary and spiritual properties. The word "entheogen" comes from Greek and means "to generate the divine within oneself." These compounds have the ability to induce altered states of consciousness, allowing those who consume them to explore unexplored depths of their mind and spirit.

Entheogens induce altered states of consciousness, allowing us to let go of the idea we have of ourselves (the "I") and our history or past. In the Western context, these states of consciousness offer a gateway to psychotherapeutic applications to confront emotional blocks, fears, traumas, addictions and the acceptance of death. In essence, entheogens are powerful tools that allow us to transform our lives and achieve better well-being. Thus, an entheogen is a psychoactive substance that induces spiritual experiences focused on self-development. The term "entheogen" is often used to differentiate these recreational uses of the same substances.